Aero Wong LLC was a Business Mistake, but Now a Creative Outlet.

It was a stupid mistake.
The blog you're reading I've never intended to incorporate it as an LLC.
It started with my love in audiobook. Whenever I come across a great book, I don't only reread it from time to time, I'd also seek out the audio format so that I can listen to it. The knowledge in the book can hit me in two different modalities. The content by words will become animated images and eventually construct a mental theater in my mind. That's the best way to learn.
I wanted to produce my own audiobook with ACX. I've taken the course AIA to walk me through the process. I followed through it religiously, thinking the process had helped hundreds of other students and I'd the next one soon.
But my assumption regarding capitalism failed me. In Hong Kong, the common sense in LLC (in Hong Kong it's called LTD) is an entity separated from the owner in the legal environment. It can act on its own in the commercial context without knowing who the shareholder is. So when it came to establishing an LLC to comply with the residence eligibility, one of the ACX producer checklist items, I didn't pay attention to the details:
ACX is currently open to individuals and companies resident in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Ireland who have a mailing address, valid local Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and banking details for one of these countries.
ACX is open to individuals and companies, not or. In other words, I have everything ready, the book, the company, the marketing, except one thing: a citizenship from the said countries. A roadblock I cannot resolve if I want to publish my audiobook with ACX.
That's why my audiobook project has been pending ever since. And the rest of it is history from the perspective of Aero Wong LLC, not Aero Wong. Some people call it a pivot from the business perspective. But I insist it's a business mistake I'll avoid making twice at all costs, and made it clear to myself I'm just lucky to have the following achievements:
- A strategic partnership with Guru Online was formed
- Aero Wong Podcasts acquired recognition from numerous countries, including the #1 Apple Business and #4 Entrepreneurship Podcasts in Hong Kong.
- ChainKet Science, the one-stop digital service, actively deployed in the international scene, serving clients ranging from SME all the way up to Fortune 500
I called ChainKet Science the Apple Business Accolade Winning Marketing Crew, because it's easier for people to remember. The fact of the matter is my company's partner has acquired hundreds if not thousands of marketing awards throughout the years.
What about my audiobook pet project after all these?
I turned the manuscript into web pages today and constructed it in the book format. I don't know if I'll have plans to get an ISBN later. Self-publish or publish it with a publisher down the road. Maybe even skipping the ACX to publish my book on my podcasts.
I just want you to read the book NOW: